Shelley Kavanagh

Birth Doula, Postpartum Doula

Covering: Dublin City and County, North Kildare, parts of Meath and Wicklow

I’m passionate about all things birth and postpartum related! I became a doula having had both positive and negative experiences throughout my pregnancies, births and fourth trimester. In short; I wish I had a doula! I am also a qualified GentleBirth instructor.

During pregnancy I will be a source of encouragement and reassurance and will also provide evidence based information on all things pregnancy and birth related. I help normalize an often overwhelming time for both mum and partner.

During labour and delivery, I am a constant for mum, providing various comfort and pain relief measures such as; relaxation and breathing techniques, visualization, CUB use, massage, counter-pressure, tens use, rebozo use and double hip squeeze.

Mum’s partner and I work together as a team and while I am primarily there for Mum, I also provide support for the primary birth partner in what can sometimes be an overwhelming time for them.

I also have experience being the sole birth partner for mum and therefore take on a greater support roll.

After birth, I can take a step back or help mum begin the breastfeeding process if she chooses to breastfeed and encourage bonding between the new baby and family.

As a postpartum Doula, I support the family as they adjust to life with a newborn baby, caring for all member’s needs.

Whether it’s assisting in your emotional needs or assisting with aspects of the care of your new baby, from winding techniques to reflux, bathing and nail clipping, breastfeeding tips and positions; I am there for you to reassure and normalise during this new and overwhelming time. Sometimes just a simple chat and a cuppa can mean the world to a new parent! I support parents day and night.

Overnights for parents are so beneficial where I settle baby back after a feed whether mum is breasfeeding, expressing or bottle feeding. I often cook a home cooked dinner while working overnight also.

There's nothing like waking up feeling refreshed, baby has been well cared for, the kettle is on and the dinner is already made!

Contact: 0877738345,


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