I work in Cork City and surrounding areas, supporting local families. I specialise in postpartum recovery and nutrition and I offer a range of services around food and healthy meal preparation.
I am an active member of the Doula Association of Ireland as well as a breastfeeding buddy with Friends of Breastfeeding. In 2024 I also had the great honour of being one of the authors in the wonderful book 'Giving Birth in Ireland', a collaborative work by the Irish Birth Movement.
From the birth of my own three children and my journey as a mother, derives my motivation and passion for birthing women, new mothers and their families, women’s mental and physical health, before, during and long after their pregnancies. I have grown a deep appreciation for support in the early days home with a newborn baby and for real support, information and evidence based guidance.
I wish to provide each family with a calm, self-assured and positive presence in the early weeks and months following the arrival of their child.
I am delighted to provide services in a sustainable and Green manner by cycling or walking to my clients' homes.
I also create affirmation cards and have them available to purchase on Etsy: https://andoulaaffirmations.etsy.com
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to meet me to chat about your postpartum.
Contact info: www.yourpostpartum.com ; email: amelie@yourpostpartum.com ; tel: 087-214 2215 ; Instagram: @amelienyhandoula