Elaine Turner

Postpartum Doula,

Skills and Interests: Breastfeeding Support, Paediatric First Aider, Garda Vetted , Twins and Multiples , Nutrition and Cooking 

Covers: Co Clare & surrounding areas in Galway and Limerick.

My name is Elaine and I’m a mom of 3 living in Ennis Co Clare. After having 3 babies I know how important support is in the Postnatal period. It’s a privilege to work with families at such an amazing time in their lives. 

My Goal is to provide non-medical, physical and emotional support and household assistance after the birth of your baby(ies). To share evidence based information and support to help your emotional and physical recovery from birth and assist you with the care of your new baby, including breastfeeding and bottle feeding support, bathing and comfort measures. 

I will not take over the care of your baby, but assist you in learning to care for your babies needs yourself, and to tailor it to help you reach your parenting goals you have set out. I can assist with family adjustments including sibling emotions. I also provide night and day support so you can get much needed rest and relaxation. 

I am also glad to do some light housekeeping, batch cook meals and make wholesome snacks. I offer a wide range of postnatal support from a 3 hr shift( to offer tips and tricks and breastfeeding support ) or to help you debrief your birth experience right up to cover over a number of weeks or months including night support.

Contact: Email :elainelouise10@gmail.com

Website: www.claredoulasupport.ie

Instagram : @claredoulasupport.ie

What’s app : 0868785207 


Amélie Nyhan


Sara Persson