Tips for Low milk supply

Low milk supply

Low milk supply is something that many new parents worry about. Often it is just getting to know the signs that your baby is getting enough milk (some babies are efficient feeders and feeds do not last as long but they still are getting enough milk) Empty breasts actually make more milk, don’t worry if you don’t feel full all the time. What is important is regular, good quality feeds. Look and listen for your baby gulping/swallowing milk.

Have a look at our blog to know your baby is getting enough milk

Feed your baby

If you are concerned your baby is not gaining weight, having enough wet and dirty nappies or seems very sleepy/dehydrated then the most important thing is to ensure they are fed. Feed your baby on demand, some babies may be sleepy so ensure you wake them every 3 hours to feed.

You can:

1) Feed directly from the breast, swapping sides regularly and using breast compressions.

2) Offer expressed breast milk

3) Use some additional formula milk if required

Protect your milk supply

Breastmilk is produced based on the demand. So to create more milk you need to send those signals to your body. Feeding your baby on demand, as often as they want is the first step. Practicing skin to skin can help to boost your milk supply but also allows baby access to your breasts and encourages more frequent feeds. You can also use a breast pump either after each feed or you can power pump once or twice a day (for no more than 4 days in a row) The goal is not necessarily to get more milk straight away but rather to send signals to your body to create more milk over the coming days. Essentially you are “putting your order in” for more milk.

Check out our blog on how to Power Pump to increase your milk supply

Get support

Once your baby is fed they will have the energy to learn the skill of breastfeeding and will be stronger to feed for longer periods. Protecting your milk supply means the milk is there for when your baby is ready. There are many voluntary supports like Cuidiu, Friends of Breastfeeding & Le Leche League who can offer peer support. With true low milk supply you really need the support of an IBCLC to figure out a tailored plan for your unique situation. Some parent : baby dyads work to full milk supply, others may find a solution in combination feeding.

*Remember our national team of Postpartum Doulas can work with you in your home to help you navigate this new journey. We work with your IBCLC to help you achieve your goals email us on for more Information about our support.

#doulacareireland #breastfeeding #chestfeeding #lowmilksupply


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