Breathing in Labour

There are many methods for breathing in labour and birth

If you follow DoulaCare Ireland you know, we always say there is no “right” way to do anything with pregnancy, labour or birth. We help to guide you in what feel right for your unique body.

Our top tips for breathing in labour:

  • Create a calm environment to reduce stress and allow a naturally calmer breathing

  • Find comfortable positions that offer space to your diaphragm (upright ones tend to work well)

  • Relax your jaw and breathe out through your mouth

  • Try to avoid holding your breath during contractions - tension makes them feel stronger!

  • Practice belly breathing: ensuring you’re filling your lungs with air to extend your diaphragm

  • Counting breaths can help, find a flow that works for you

Examples of counting breaths:

  • In for 3, out for 5

  • In for 4, hold for 7, out for 8

  • In for 4, hold for 4, out for 4, hold for 4

  • In for 7, out for 11

  • Pant-pant-blow (two short breaths followed by a long out breath)

Some people find visualisations can help:

Feel the air enter your lungs, as you breath deeper see the oxygen flow around your baby - giving them the oxygen they need as you work together in labour

Imagine you are blowing bubbles in water, if your lips and jaw are loose and relaxed, so is your pelvis

Visualise a beautiful ribbon or string flowing from you as you breathe out through your lips - how long can you make it?

What method did you find helped? Share your tips here :)

#doulacareireland #breathinginlabour


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