VBAC Class.

No question left unanswered. Leave feeling informed, confident and excited about meeting your new baby(ies) and prepared for your upcoming VBAC.

Preparing for a VBAC can be a lonely path. Even though our Irish Obstetric Guidelines recommend this option, many people assume you are having a repeat Caesarean and care providers can be unsupportive and offer non-evidence based information. KNOWLEDGE and INFORMATION is crucial when preparing for your VBAC and in this we offer evidence based information to BUILD YOUR CONFIDENCE and stack the odds in your favour of having a VBAC.

Where possible this class is for you and your partner. If they have the information to support you, it can make a huge difference to your chance of VBAC success. Partner’s can sometimes be reluctant to attend, often because they are unsure of their role or some will have trauma from the previous birth. Taking this workshop will give your partner tools and tips to help support you - allaying fears or worries and building their knowledge.

(Please note: sometimes partners will not be in a position to attend and the class will also work if you are attending solo.)

They say knowledge is power and that is very apt when it comes to preparing for your VBAC. With care providers sometimes unaware of the safety of VBAC and the evidence, it really helps to be aware of the evidence and actual risks involved.


Course Content Includes:

  • VBAC Statistics - Irish & Worldwide

  • Informed Decision Making

  • Current Irish Guidelines

  • Benefits of VBAC

  • Optimal Conditions towards VBAC

  • Evidence vs. Fear

  • Risks of VBAC

  • Birth Partners Role

  • Natural Comfort Measures

  • Pharma Pain Management

  • Navigating the Maternity System

  • Having a Positive Birth

  • Going to Hospital

  • Caesarean Option & Preferences


Group Session: €90 (+€20.70 VAT)


Wednesday 15th March

7pm - 10pm